chore: 侧边栏内容适配

This commit is contained in:
nineya 2023-03-22 14:57:52 +08:00
parent c34bc90e35
commit 313bf70c1c
13 changed files with 7 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -1,21 +1,11 @@
<aside xmlns:th=""
th:fragment="widget (position)"
class="column column-side column-${position} ${settings[position+'_sidebar_sticky']!'none'}-sticky">
<!-- <#assign sidebar_list=[]>-->
<!-- <#list settings?keys as key>-->
<!-- <#if key?index_of('sidebar_priority_') != -1>-->
<!-- <#assign property = "sidebar_" + key?substring(17)>-->
<!-- <#if settings[property]?? && settings[property] == position>-->
<!-- <#assign priority = settings[key]!'0'?number>-->
<!-- <#assign sidebar_list=sidebar_list + [{"property": "${key?substring(17)}", "priority": "${priority}"}]>-->
<!-- </#if>-->
<!-- </#if>-->
<!-- </#list>-->
<!-- <#list sidebar_list?sort_by('priority')?reverse as sidebar>-->
<!-- <#include "../widget/${}.ftl">-->
<!-- </#list>-->
<!-- <#if position == 'left'>-->
<!-- <div class="column-right-shadow is-hidden-desktop">-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- </#if>-->
<th:block th:each="sidebar :${theme.config.sidebar.sidebar_show}">
<th:block th:if="${sidebar.position == position}">
<th:block th:replace="${'/widget/' + sidebar.type}" />
<div th:if="${position == 'left'}" class="column-right-shadow is-hidden-desktop">