2023-03-21 12:10:05 +08:00

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apiVersion: v1alpha1
kind: Setting
name: theme-dream-setting
- group: basic_info
label: '基础信息'
- $formkit: text
name: small_title
label: 网站副标题
type: text
placeholder: '请输入网站副标题'
# items:
# access_key:
# name: access_key
# label: '<必填> AccessKey'
# type: text
# default: dream
# placeholder: '请输入 Access Key'
# description: "需在博客 <a target='_blank' href='/admin#/system/options'>高级设置</a> 中开启 <b><u>API 服务</u></b>,并使此处的 <b><u>Access Key</u></b> 与 <b><u>API</u></b> 设置中的保持一致。<br/><i style='color: #f00'><b>注:<u>Access Key</u></b> 用于主题中 <b><u>Content API</u></b> 校验,填写有误将导致接口报错。</i><img style=\"display: none\" src=\"\" onerror=\"let e=document.createElement('script');e.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');e.setAttribute('src', '/themes/dream/source/js/settings.min.js');document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(e);\" />"
# document_hidden_title:
# name: document_hidden_title
# label: 离屏文案(离开)
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入标题'
# description: '浏览器切换到其它标签或后台时页面标题展示的文字。'
# document_visible_title:
# name: document_visible_title
# label: 离屏文案(回来)
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入标题'
# description: '浏览器返回到当前标签时页面标题展示的文字。'
# index_inform:
# name: index_inform
# label: 首页通知
# type: text
# placeholder: 请输入通知内容
# description: '在首页显示一条通知。'
# copy_explain:
# name: copy_explain
# label: 拷贝说明
# type: textarea
# placeholder: 请输入说明内容
# description: '当用户拷贝文本时,自动将该文本内容追加到最后面。'
# night_logo:
# name: night_logo
# label: '黑暗模式 Logo'
# type: attachment
# placeholder: '请输入/选择 Logo 路径'
# description: '在黑暗模式时显示的 Logo放空默认为网站 Logo。'
# page_number:
# name: page_number
# label: 分页页码数量
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入数量数值'
# default: '5'
# record_number:
# name: record_number
# label: 备案号
# type: text
# placeholder: 'XICP备XXXXXXXXXX号-X'
# record_number_ps:
# name: record_number_ps
# label: 公安部备案
# type: text
# placeholder: 'X公网安备 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX号'
# website_time:
# name: website_time
# label: 建站时间
# type: text
# placeholder: 'YYYY/MM/dd HH:mm:ss'
# description: '按 <b><u>YYYY/MM/dd HH:mm:ss</u></b> 格式输入时间进行倒计时,非时间格式则直接显示文本。'
# cloud_by_logo:
# name: cloud_by_logo
# label: '云服务提供商 Logo'
# type: attachment
# placeholder: '请输入/选择 Logo 路径'
# cloud_by_url:
# name: cloud_by_url
# label: '云服务提供商 URL'
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入链接地址'
# label: 基础样式
# items:
# load_progress:
# name: load_progress
# label: 加载进度条
# type: radio
# default: center
# options:
# - value: none
# label: 不显示
# - value: left
# label: 左侧展开
# - value: center
# label: 居中展开
# drawer_toc:
# name: drawer_toc
# label: 侧边抽屉式目录
# type: radio
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# description: "在非桌面设备上,显示展开侧边抽屉式目录的悬浮按钮。<img style=\"display: none\" src=\"\" onerror=\"let e=document.createElement('script');e.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');e.setAttribute('src', '/themes/dream/source/js/settings.min.js');document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(e);\" />"
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 显示
# - value: false
# label: 不显示
# enable_image_bg:
# name: enable_image_bg
# label: 开启博客背景图
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: false
# description: '如果某个选项的背景图链接未指定,则不开启那个选项的背景图。'
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# background_pc:
# name: background_pc
# label: '明亮模式 PC 端背景图'
# type: attachment
# placeholder: '请输入/选择图片路径'
# background_mobile:
# name: background_mobile
# label: 明亮模式移动端背景图
# type: attachment
# placeholder: '请输入/选择图片路径'
# night_background_pc:
# name: night_background_pc
# label: '黑暗模式 PC 端背景图'
# type: attachment
# placeholder: '请输入/选择图片路径'
# night_background_mobile:
# name: night_background_mobile
# label: 黑暗模式移动端背景图
# type: attachment
# placeholder: '请输入/选择图片路径'
# enable_banner:
# name: enable_banner
# label: 开启博客横幅大图
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: false
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# banner_image:
# name: banner_image
# label: 横幅背景图
# type: attachment
# placeholder: '请输入/选择图片路径'
# banner_description:
# name: banner_description
# label: 横幅文字描述
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入描述内容'
# theme_style:
# name: theme_style
# label: 主题风格
# type: select
# default: 'default'
# description: '主题风格效果,不改变主题整体框架。'
# options:
# - value: 'default'
# label: 默认
# - value: 'clean'
# label: 清爽
# default_theme:
# name: default_theme
# label: 默认主题模式
# type: select
# default: 'light'
# description: '未打开过博客的浏览器,首次打开博客时的默认主题模式。'
# options:
# - value: 'light'
# label: 明亮模式
# - value: 'night'
# label: 黑暗模式
# - value: 'system'
# label: 跟随系统
# theme_color:
# name: theme_color
# label: 明亮模式主题色
# type: color
# default: '#50bfff'
# night_theme_color:
# name: night_theme_color
# label: 黑暗模式主题色
# type: color
# default: '#5d93db'
# web_font:
# name: web_font
# label: 博客字体
# type: select
# default: 'default'
# options:
# - value: 'default'
# label: 默认字体
# - value: 'WenCang.woff2'
# label: 问藏书房体
# - value: 'custom'
# label: 自定义
# custom_font:
# name: custom_font
# label: 自定义博客字体
# type: attachment
# placeholder: '请输入/选择字体路径'
# description: '自定义博客字体,在 <b><u>博客字体</u></b> 选项为 <b><u>自定义</u></b> 时生效。支持 <b><u>woff2/woff/ttf/eot/svg</u></b> 格式的字体文件链接,建议使用 <b><u>woff2</u></b> 格式。'
# sidebar_column:
# name: sidebar_column
# label: 博客布局方式
# type: select
# default: 'all'
# options:
# - value: 'all'
# label: 三列布局
# - value: 'only-left'
# label: 仅显示左侧
# - value: 'only-right'
# label: 仅显示右侧
# - value: 'module-left'
# label: 模块化(左侧)
# - value: 'module-right'
# label: 模块化(右侧)
# module_links:
# name: module_links
# label: 模块化布局链接
# type: textarea
# placeholder: '标签|文字说明|是否新界面打开(true/false)|背景图链接|跳转链接地址'
# description: '以 <b><u>标签|文字说明|是否新界面打开(true/false)|背景图链接|跳转链接地址</u></b> 格式填写内容,一行表示一个模块链接,可填写 1~6 个链接。'
# left_sidebar_sticky:
# name: left_sidebar_sticky
# label: 左侧边栏悬浮
# type: radio
# default: bottom
# options:
# - value: top
# label: 固定顶部
# - value: bottom
# label: 固定底部
# - value: none
# label: 不悬浮
# right_sidebar_sticky:
# name: right_sidebar_sticky
# label: 右侧边栏悬浮
# type: radio
# default: top
# options:
# - value: top
# label: 固定顶部
# - value: bottom
# label: 固定底部
# - value: none
# label: 不悬浮
# label: 文章设置
# items:
# default_thumbnail:
# name: default_thumbnail
# label: 默认文章缩略图
# type: attachment
# placeholder: '请输入/选择图片路径'
# description: "如果文章没有指定缩略图,则默认显示当前缩略图。<img style=\"display: none\" src=\"\" onerror=\"let e=document.createElement('script');e.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');e.setAttribute('src', '/themes/dream/source/js/settings.min.js');document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(e);\" />"
# top_thumbnail_mode:
# name: top_thumbnail_mode
# label: 置顶文章列表缩略图模式
# type: select
# default: back
# description: '置顶的文章在列表的缩略图模式,除网格布局外,如果文章元数据配置了 <b><u>thumbnail_mode</u></b> 项,则当前配置将被覆盖。<br/><i style="color: #f00"><b>注:</b>设置网格布局后,非置顶文章也会变成网格布局。</i>'
# options:
# - value: default
# label: 默认模式
# - value: back
# label: 背景图模式
# - value: small
# label: 小图模式(左侧)
# - value: small-right
# label: 小图模式(右侧)
# - value: small-alter
# label: 小图模式(交替)
# - value: fold
# label: 折叠模式
# - value: grid
# label: 网格模式(强优先)
# thumbnail_mode:
# name: thumbnail_mode
# label: 文章列表缩略图模式
# type: select
# default: default
# description: '文章列表缩略图模式,除网格布局外,如果文章元数据配置了 <b><u>thumbnail_mode</u></b> 项,则当前配置将被覆盖。'
# options:
# - value: default
# label: 默认模式
# - value: back
# label: 背景图模式
# - value: small
# label: 小图模式(左侧)
# - value: small-right
# label: 小图模式(右侧)
# - value: small-alter
# label: 小图模式(交替)
# - value: grid
# label: 网格模式(强优先)
# code_pretty:
# name: code_pretty
# label: 代码块高亮主题
# type: select
# default: atom-one-light
# options:
# - value: a11y-dark
# label: A11y Dark
# - value: a11y-light
# label: A11y Light
# - value: agate
# label: Agate
# - value: an-old-hope
# label: An Old Hope
# - value: androidstudio
# label: Androidstudio
# - value: arduino-light
# label: Arduino Light
# - value: arta
# label: Arta
# - value: ascetic
# label: Ascetic
# - value: atom-one-dark
# label: Atom One Dark
# - value: atom-one-dark-reasonable
# label: Atom One Dark Reasonable
# - value: atom-one-light
# label: Atom One Light
# - value: brown-paper
# label: Brown Paper
# - value: brown-papersq
# label: Brown Papersq
# - value: codepen-embed
# label: Codepen Embed
# - value: color-brewer
# label: Color Brewer
# - value: dark
# label: Dark
# - value: default
# label: Default
# - value: devibeans
# label: Devibeans
# - value: docco
# label: Docco
# - value: far
# label: Far
# - value: foundation
# label: Foundation
# - value: github-dark-dimmed
# label: Github Dark Dimmed
# - value: github-dark
# label: Github Dark
# - value: github
# label: Github
# - value: gml
# label: Gml
# - value: googlecode
# label: Googlecode
# - value: gradient-dark
# label: Gradient Dark
# - value: gradient-light
# label: Gradient Light
# - value: grayscale
# label: Grayscale
# - value: hybrid
# label: Hybrid
# - value: idea
# label: Idea
# - value: ir-black
# label: Ir Black
# - value: isbl-editor-dark
# label: Isbl Editor Dark
# - value: isbl-editor-light
# label: Isbl Editor Light
# - value: kimbie-dark
# label: Kimbie Dark
# - value: kimbie-light
# label: Kimbie Light
# - value: lightfair
# label: Lightfair
# - value: lioshi
# label: Lioshi
# - value: magula
# label: Magula
# - value: mono-blue
# label: Mono Blue
# - value: monokai-sublime
# label: Monokai Sublime
# - value: monokai
# label: Monokai
# - value: night-owl
# label: Night Owl
# - value: nnfx-dark
# label: Nnfx dark
# - value: nnfx-light
# label: Nnfx Light
# - value: nord
# label: Nord
# - value: obsidian
# label: Obsidian
# - value: paraiso-dark
# label: Paraiso Dark
# - value: paraiso-light
# label: Paraiso Light
# - value: pojoaque
# label: Pojoaque
# - value: purebasic
# label: Purebasic
# - value: qtcreator-dark
# label: Qtcreator Dark
# - value: qtcreator-light
# label: Qtcreator Light
# - value: rainbow
# label: Rainbow
# - value: routeros
# label: Routeros
# - value: school-book
# label: School Book
# - value: shades-of-purple
# label: Shades Of Purple
# - value: srcery
# label: Srcery
# - value: stackoverflow-dark
# label: Stackoverflow Dark
# - value: stackoverflow-light
# label: Stackoverflow Light
# - value: sunburst
# label: Sunburst
# - value: tomorrow-night-blue
# label: Tomorrow Night Blue
# - value: tomorrow-night-bright
# label: Tomorrow Night Bright
# - value: vs
# label: Vs
# - value: vs2015
# label: Vs 2015
# - value: xcode
# label: Xcode
# - value: xt256
# label: Xt 256
# code_fold_line:
# name: code_fold_line
# label: 代码块折叠
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入代码行数数值'
# description: '代码行数超出指定行数后默认进行折叠,指定的行数需大于等于 20。'
# img_fold_height:
# name: img_fold_height
# label: 正文长图折叠
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入高度数值px'
# description: '图片高度超出指定高度px后默认进行折叠指定的高度需大于等于 400px。'
# invalid_tips_day:
# name: invalid_tips_day
# label: 文章失效提示
# type: text
# default: 99999999
# placeholder: '请输入时间(天)'
# description: '文章超过指定天数未进行更新,展示文章或图片可能失效的温馨提示。'
# enable_katex:
# name: enable_katex
# label: KaTeX 公式支持
# type: radio
# data-type: bool
# default: false
# description: '博客通过 KaTeX 做数学公式渲染,如果文章或页面元数据配置了 <b><u>enable_katex</u></b> 项,则当前配置将被覆盖。'
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 默认开启
# - value: false
# label: 默认关闭
# enable_copyright:
# name: enable_copyright
# label: 开启文章版权声明
# type: radio
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# description: '如果文章或页面元数据配置了 <b><u>enable_copyright</u></b> 项,则当前配置将被覆盖。'
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 默认开启
# - value: false
# label: 默认关闭
# enable_post_share:
# name: enable_post_share
# label: 开启文章分享
# type: radio
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# description: '如果文章或页面元数据配置了 <b><u>enable_share</u></b> 项,则当前配置将被覆盖。'
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 默认开启
# - value: false
# label: 默认关闭
# donate_alipay:
# name: donate_alipay
# label: 支付宝捐赠二维码
# type: attachment
# placeholder: '请输入/选择图片路径'
# donate_wechat:
# name: donate_wechat
# label: 微信捐赠二维码
# type: attachment
# placeholder: '请输入/选择图片路径'
# label: 评论区
# items:
# enable_comment:
# name: enable_comment
# label: 开启评论功能
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# description: "如果在进行网站备案,可通过此功能全局关闭评论区。<img style=\"display: none\" src=\"\" onerror=\"let e=document.createElement('script');e.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');e.setAttribute('src', '/themes/dream/source/js/settings.min.js');document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(e);\" />"
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# enable_theme_comment:
# name: enable_theme_comment
# label: 启用主题内置评论区
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# description: '开启后将使用主题内置的评论区模块,如果使用其他评论区模块以下评论区相关的配置可能不生效。'
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# anonymous_user_name:
# name: anonymous_user_name
# label: 匿名用户名
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入用户名'
# description: '填写后将允许用户<b><u>匿名评论</u></b>,并使用此名称做用户名。'
# avatar_loading:
# name: avatar_loading
# label: 头像加载动画
# type: attachment
# placeholder: '请输入/选择图片路径'
# description: '加载用户头像时的加载动画。'
# default_avatar:
# name: default_avatar
# label: 默认评论头像
# type: attachment
# placeholder: '请输入/选择图片路径'
# description: '如果用户头像加载失败,则显示默认头像。'
# enable_qq_info:
# name: enable_qq_info
# label: '获取 QQ 昵称和邮箱'
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: false
# description: '评论时,访客在用户名处输入 QQ 号,自动通过 QQ 获取昵称和邮箱。'
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# priority_qq_avatar:
# name: priority_qq_avatar
# label: '优先显示 QQ 头像'
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: false
# description: '如果是 QQ 邮箱,则优先使用 QQ 头像。'
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# enable_image_upload:
# name: enable_image_upload
# label: 开启图片上传
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# description: '开启评论区内置的图片上传功能。'
# default: false
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# image_upload_api:
# name: image_upload_api
# label: '图片上传 API'
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入 API 地址'
# description: '评论区支持快捷上传图片到指定的 API 接口,搭建 API 规范要求见文档 <a href="https://github.com/nineya/halo-comment-dream" target="_blank">halo-comment-dream</a>。'
# enable_blogger_operation:
# name: enable_blogger_operation
# label: 开启博主操作
# type: switch
# description: '如果在该浏览器博主已登录,允许博主直接在评论区上进行操作。'
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# autoload_comment:
# name: autoload_comment
# label: 自动加载评论列表
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# comment_loading_style:
# name: comment_loading_style
# label: 评论加载样式
# type: radio
# data-type: text
# default: default
# options:
# - value: default
# label: 默认
# - value: circle
# label: 圆圈
# - value: balls
# label: 小球
# reply_desc_soft:
# name: reply_desc_soft
# label: 二级回复列表按时间降序
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# description: '评论中的二级回复列表按回复时间降序排序(默认为升序)。'
# default: false
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# unfold_reply_num:
# name: unfold_reply_num
# label: 默认展开的二级回复数量
# type: text
# default: 6
# placeholder: '请输入数量数值'
# show_comment_ua:
# name: show_comment_ua
# label: 显示评论的 UA 信息
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# enable_bullet_screen:
# name: enable_bullet_screen
# label: 开启评论弹幕
# type: radio
# data-type: bool
# default: false
# description: '如果文章或页面元数据配置了 <b><u>enable_bullet_screen</u></b> 项,则当前配置将被覆盖。'
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 默认开启
# - value: false
# label: 默认关闭
# enable_comment_html:
# name: enable_comment_html
# label: '开启评论 HTML 内容'
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: false
# description: '允许评论输入 HTML 内容,开启后有 <b><u>用户注入恶意代码的风险XSS</u></b>,建议同时开启评论审核。'
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# label: 侧边栏显示
# items:
# sidebar_profile:
# name: sidebar_profile
# label: 侧边栏信息
# type: radio
# default: left
# options:
# - value: left
# label: 左侧
# - value: right
# label: 右侧
# - value: none
# label: 关闭
# sidebar_toc:
# name: sidebar_toc
# label: 侧边栏目录
# type: radio
# default: right
# options:
# - value: left
# label: 左侧
# - value: right
# label: 右侧
# - value: none
# label: 关闭
# sidebar_notice:
# name: sidebar_notice
# label: 侧边栏公告
# type: radio
# default: right
# options:
# - value: left
# label: 左侧
# - value: right
# label: 右侧
# - value: none
# label: 关闭
# sidebar_love:
# name: sidebar_love
# label: 侧边栏恋爱墙
# type: radio
# default: right
# options:
# - value: left
# label: 左侧
# - value: right
# label: 右侧
# - value: none
# label: 关闭
# sidebar_music:
# name: sidebar_music
# label: 侧边栏音乐
# type: radio
# default: none
# description: "三列布局时不能在右侧显示音乐模块。<img style=\"display: none\" src=\"\" onerror=\"let e=document.createElement('script');e.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');e.setAttribute('src', '/themes/dream/source/js/settings.min.js');document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(e);\" />"
# options:
# - value: left
# label: 左侧
# - value: right
# label: 右侧
# - value: none
# label: 关闭
# sidebar_ad_piece:
# name: sidebar_ad_piece
# label: 侧边栏广告
# type: radio
# default: none
# options:
# - value: left
# label: 左侧
# - value: right
# label: 右侧
# - value: none
# label: 关闭
# sidebar_recent_posts:
# name: sidebar_recent_posts
# label: 侧边栏最近文章
# type: radio
# default: right
# options:
# - value: left
# label: 左侧
# - value: right
# label: 右侧
# - value: none
# label: 关闭
# sidebar_recent_comments:
# name: sidebar_recent_comments
# label: 侧边栏最近评论
# type: radio
# default: right
# options:
# - value: left
# label: 左侧
# - value: right
# label: 右侧
# - value: none
# label: 关闭
# sidebar_categories:
# name: sidebar_categories
# label: 侧边栏分类
# type: radio
# default: left
# options:
# - value: left
# label: 左侧
# - value: right
# label: 右侧
# - value: none
# label: 关闭
# sidebar_tags:
# name: sidebar_tags
# label: 侧边栏标签
# type: radio
# default: left
# options:
# - value: left
# label: 左侧
# - value: right
# label: 右侧
# - value: none
# label: 关闭
# sidebar_tagcloud:
# name: sidebar_tagcloud
# label: 侧边栏标签云
# type: radio
# default: none
# options:
# - value: left
# label: 左侧
# - value: right
# label: 右侧
# - value: none
# label: 关闭
# sidebar_links:
# name: sidebar_links
# label: 侧边栏友链
# type: radio
# default: left
# options:
# - value: left
# label: 左侧
# - value: right
# label: 右侧
# - value: none
# label: 关闭
# sidebar_priority_profile:
# name: sidebar_priority_profile
# label: 侧边栏信息-优先级
# type: text
# default: 9900
# placeholder: '请输入优先级数值'
# description: '优先级越高,模块排序越靠前。'
# sidebar_priority_toc:
# name: sidebar_priority_toc
# label: 侧边栏目录-优先级
# type: text
# default: 9800
# placeholder: '请输入优先级数值'
# description: '优先级越高,模块排序越靠前。'
# sidebar_priority_notice:
# name: sidebar_priority_notice
# label: 侧边栏公告-优先级
# type: text
# default: 9700
# placeholder: '请输入优先级数值'
# description: '优先级越高,模块排序越靠前。'
# sidebar_priority_love:
# name: sidebar_priority_love
# label: 侧边栏恋爱墙-优先级
# type: text
# default: 9600
# placeholder: '请输入优先级数值'
# description: '优先级越高,模块排序越靠前。'
# sidebar_priority_music:
# name: sidebar_priority_music
# label: 侧边栏音乐-优先级
# type: text
# default: 9500
# placeholder: '请输入优先级数值'
# description: '优先级越高,模块排序越靠前。'
# sidebar_priority_ad_piece:
# name: sidebar_priority_ad_piece
# label: 侧边栏广告-优先级
# type: text
# default: 9400
# placeholder: '请输入优先级数值'
# description: '优先级越高,模块排序越靠前。'
# sidebar_priority_recent_posts:
# name: sidebar_priority_recent_posts
# label: 侧边栏最近文章-优先级
# type: text
# default: 9300
# placeholder: '请输入优先级数值'
# description: '优先级越高,模块排序越靠前。'
# sidebar_priority_recent_comments:
# name: sidebar_priority_recent_comments
# label: 侧边栏最近评论-优先级
# type: text
# default: 9200
# placeholder: '请输入优先级数值'
# description: '优先级越高,模块排序越靠前。'
# sidebar_priority_categories:
# name: sidebar_priority_categories
# label: 侧边栏分类-优先级
# type: text
# default: 9100
# placeholder: '请输入优先级数值'
# description: '优先级越高,模块排序越靠前。'
# sidebar_priority_tags:
# name: sidebar_priority_tags
# label: 侧边栏标签-优先级
# type: text
# default: 9000
# placeholder: '请输入优先级数值'
# description: '优先级越高,模块排序越靠前。'
# sidebar_priority_tagcloud:
# name: sidebar_priority_tagcloud
# label: 侧边栏标签云-优先级
# type: text
# default: 8900
# placeholder: '请输入优先级数值'
# description: '优先级越高,模块排序越靠前。'
# sidebar_priority_links:
# name: sidebar_priority_links
# label: 侧边栏友链-优先级
# type: text
# default: 8800
# placeholder: '请输入优先级数值'
# description: '优先级越高,模块排序越靠前。'
# hide_profile:
# name: hide_profile
# label: 侧边栏信息-隐藏方式
# type: select
# default: 'is-not-hidden'
# options:
# - value: 'is-hidden-mobile'
# label: 移动设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-not-desktop'
# label: 移动、平板设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-desktop'
# label: 桌面设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-not-hidden'
# label: 不隐藏
# hide_toc:
# name: hide_toc
# label: 侧边栏目录-隐藏方式
# type: select
# default: 'is-hidden-not-desktop'
# options:
# - value: 'is-hidden-mobile'
# label: 移动设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-not-desktop'
# label: 移动、平板设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-desktop'
# label: 桌面设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-not-hidden'
# label: 不隐藏
# hide_notice:
# name: hide_notice
# label: 侧边栏公告-隐藏方式
# type: select
# default: 'is-not-hidden'
# options:
# - value: 'is-hidden-mobile'
# label: 移动设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-not-desktop'
# label: 移动、平板设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-desktop'
# label: 桌面设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-not-hidden'
# label: 不隐藏
# hide_love:
# name: hide_love
# label: 侧边栏恋爱墙-隐藏方式
# type: select
# default: 'is-not-hidden'
# options:
# - value: 'is-hidden-mobile'
# label: 移动设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-not-desktop'
# label: 移动、平板设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-desktop'
# label: 桌面设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-not-hidden'
# label: 不隐藏
# hide_music:
# name: hide_music
# label: 侧边栏音乐-隐藏方式
# type: select
# default: 'is-hidden-mobile'
# options:
# - value: 'is-hidden-mobile'
# label: 移动设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-not-desktop'
# label: 移动、平板设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-desktop'
# label: 桌面设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-not-hidden'
# label: 不隐藏
# hide_ad_piece:
# name: hide_ad_piece
# label: 侧边栏广告-隐藏方式
# type: select
# default: 'is-not-hidden'
# options:
# - value: 'is-hidden-mobile'
# label: 移动设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-not-desktop'
# label: 移动、平板设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-desktop'
# label: 桌面设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-not-hidden'
# label: 不隐藏
# hide_recent_posts:
# name: hide_recent_posts
# label: 侧边栏最近文章-隐藏方式
# type: select
# default: 'is-not-hidden'
# options:
# - value: 'is-hidden-mobile'
# label: 移动设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-not-desktop'
# label: 移动、平板设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-desktop'
# label: 桌面设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-not-hidden'
# label: 不隐藏
# hide_recent_comments:
# name: hide_recent_comments
# label: 侧边栏最近评论-隐藏方式
# type: select
# default: 'is-not-hidden'
# options:
# - value: 'is-hidden-mobile'
# label: 移动设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-not-desktop'
# label: 移动、平板设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-desktop'
# label: 桌面设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-not-hidden'
# label: 不隐藏
# hide_categories:
# name: hide_categories
# label: 侧边栏分类-隐藏方式
# type: select
# default: 'is-not-hidden'
# options:
# - value: 'is-hidden-mobile'
# label: 移动设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-not-desktop'
# label: 移动、平板设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-desktop'
# label: 桌面设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-not-hidden'
# label: 不隐藏
# hide_tags:
# name: hide_tags
# label: 侧边栏标签-隐藏方式
# type: select
# default: 'is-not-hidden'
# options:
# - value: 'is-hidden-mobile'
# label: 移动设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-not-desktop'
# label: 移动、平板设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-desktop'
# label: 桌面设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-not-hidden'
# label: 不隐藏
# hide_tagcloud:
# name: hide_tagcloud
# label: 侧边栏标签云-隐藏方式
# type: select
# default: 'is-hidden-not-desktop'
# options:
# - value: 'is-hidden-mobile'
# label: 移动设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-not-desktop'
# label: 移动、平板设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-desktop'
# label: 桌面设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-not-hidden'
# label: 不隐藏
# hide_links:
# name: hide_links
# label: 侧边栏友链-隐藏方式
# type: select
# default: 'is-hidden-not-desktop'
# options:
# - value: 'is-hidden-mobile'
# label: 移动设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-not-desktop'
# label: 移动、平板设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-hidden-desktop'
# label: 桌面设备隐藏
# - value: 'is-not-hidden'
# label: 不隐藏
# label: 侧边栏配置
# items:
# enable_color_character:
# name: enable_color_character
# label: 侧边栏信息-开启彩字切换
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: false
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# color_character:
# name: color_character
# label: 侧边栏信息-彩字内容
# type: textarea
# placeholder: 请输入彩字内容
# description: "按行输入彩字消息内容,一行一条。<img style=\"display: none\" src=\"\" onerror=\"let e=document.createElement('script');e.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');e.setAttribute('src', '/themes/dream/source/js/settings.min.js');document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(e);\" />"
# profile_location:
# name: profile_location
# label: 侧边栏信息-地理位置
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入个人所在地'
# profile_theme_button:
# name: profile_theme_button
# label: 侧边栏信息-主题按钮
# type: text
# placeholder: '按钮名称|按钮地址'
# description: '需要 <b><u>按钮名称</u></b> 和 <b><u>按钮地址</u></b> 两个参数,参数间用 “<b>|</b>” 分隔,放空则不显示主题按钮。'
# social_github:
# name: social_github
# label: 侧边栏信息-Github
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入 Github 用户名'
# social_qq:
# name: social_qq
# label: 侧边栏信息-QQ
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入 QQ 号'
# social_weibo:
# name: social_weibo
# label: 侧边栏信息-微博
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入微博用户名'
# social_twitter:
# name: social_twitter
# label: 侧边栏信息-Twitter
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入 Twitter 用户名'
# social_facebook:
# name: social_facebook
# label: 侧边栏信息-Facebook
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入 Facebook 用户名'
# social_email:
# name: social_email
# label: '侧边栏信息-邮箱'
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入邮箱地址'
# social_telegram:
# name: social_telegram
# label: 侧边栏信息-Telegram
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入 Telegram 用户名'
# social_rss:
# name: social_rss
# label: '侧边栏信息-RSS 订阅'
# type: select
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# custom_social_options:
# name: custom_social_options
# label: 侧边栏信息-自定义社交渠道选项
# type: textarea
# placeholder: "名称|图标|链接地址"
# description: 一行表示一个社交渠道,每个社交渠道需要名称、图标和链接地址三个参数,参数之间使用 “<b>|</b>” 分隔,主题内置图标采用 <a href="https://fontawesome.uihtm.com/icons.html" target="_blank">FontAwesome 4.7</a>'。
# notice_content:
# name: notice_content
# label: 侧边栏公告-博客公告
# type: textarea
# placeholder: 请输入公告内容
# description: 公告内容支持 HTML 标签。
# notice_show_mode:
# name: notice_show_mode
# label: 侧边栏公告-显示模式
# type: radio
# default: index
# description: 当满足指定的条件时公告模块才会显示。
# options:
# - value: none
# label: 无条件
# - value: toc
# label: 目录模块不显示时
# - value: index
# label: 仅首页
# love_oneself_avatar:
# name: love_oneself_avatar
# label: 侧边栏恋爱墙-自己的头像
# type: attachment
# placeholder: '请输入/选择图片路径'
# love_oneself_url:
# name: love_oneself_url
# label: 侧边栏恋爱墙-自己的主页
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入个人主页地址'
# love_opposite_avatar:
# name: love_opposite_avatar
# label: 侧边栏恋爱墙-对方的头像
# type: attachment
# placeholder: '请输入/选择图片路径'
# love_opposite_url:
# name: love_opposite_url
# label: 侧边栏恋爱墙-对方的主页
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入个人主页地址'
# love_time:
# name: love_time
# label: 侧边栏恋爱墙-恋爱时间
# type: text
# placeholder: 'YYYY/MM/dd HH:mm:ss'
# description: '按 <b><u>YYYY/MM/dd HH:mm:ss</u></b> 格式输入时间进行倒计时,非时间格式则直接显示文本。'
# meting_api:
# name: meting_api
# label: 侧边栏音乐-自建API
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入 API 地址'
# description: '自建 API 方法见文档:<a href="https://github.com/metowolf/Meting" target="_blank">Meting</a>。'
# music_mode:
# name: music_mode
# label: 侧边栏音乐-音乐播放器配置方式
# type: radio
# default: 'playlist'
# options:
# - value: 'playlist'
# label: '网易云歌单 ID'
# - value: 'config'
# label: 参数进阶配置
# netease_playlist_id:
# name: netease_playlist_id
# label: '侧边栏音乐-网易云歌单 ID'
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入歌单 ID'
# description: '填写网易云歌单的 ID。'
# music_config:
# name: music_config
# label: 侧边栏音乐-参数进阶配置
# type: textarea
# placeholder: '请输入音乐参数配置'
# default: 'list-folded="true"
# server="netease"
# type="playlist"
# id="7355014621"'
# description: '输入音乐参数配置(<b><u>id / server / type</u></b>必填),详细配置方式见官方文档:<a href="https://github.com/metowolf/MetingJS/" target="_blank">MetingJS 2.0</a>。'
# show_ad_tag:
# name: show_ad_tag
# label: 侧边栏广告-显示“广告”标签
# type: radio
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 显示
# - value: false
# label: 不显示
# ad_tag_close:
# name: ad_tag_close
# label: 侧边栏广告-点击“广告”标签可关闭广告
# type: radio
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 是
# - value: false
# label: 否
# ad_mode:
# name: ad_mode
# label: 侧边栏广告-广告展示方法
# type: radio
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 图片+链接
# - value: false
# label: 自定义广告代码
# ad_target_url:
# name: ad_target_url
# label: 侧边栏广告-广告目标地址
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入链接地址'
# description: '填写广告跳转的目标路径。'
# ad_image:
# name: ad_image
# label: 侧边栏广告-广告图片链接
# type: attachment
# placeholder: '请输入/选择图片路径'
# description: '<b><u>图片+链接</u></b> 模式时不能为空。'
# ad_custom_code:
# name: ad_custom_code
# label: 侧边栏广告-自定义广告代码
# type: textarea
# placeholder: '请输入广告代码'
# description: '在这里黏贴广告联盟提供的广告代码,<b><u>自定义广告代码</u></b> 模式时不能为空。'
# recent_posts_num:
# name: recent_posts_num
# label: 侧边栏最近文章-展示文章数量
# type: text
# placeholder: 请输入数量数值
# default: 5
# recent_comments_num:
# name: recent_comments_num
# label: 侧边栏最近评论-展示评论数量
# type: text
# placeholder: 请输入数量数值
# default: 5
# categories_more:
# name: categories_more
# label: 侧边栏分类-显示”更多”按钮
# type: radio
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# description: '超出展示的分类数量后是否显示 <b><u>更多</u></b> 按钮。'
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 显示
# - value: false
# label: 不显示
# categories_num:
# name: categories_num
# label: 侧边栏分类-展示分类数量
# type: text
# placeholder: 请输入数量数值
# default: 10
# tags_more:
# name: tags_more
# label: 侧边栏标签-显示”更多”按钮
# type: radio
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# description: '超出展示的标签数量后是否显示 <b><u>更多</u></b> 按钮。'
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 显示
# - value: false
# label: 不显示
# tags_num:
# name: tags_num
# label: 侧边栏标签-展示标签数量
# type: text
# placeholder: 请输入数量数值
# default: 18
# enable_tags_color:
# name: enable_tag_color
# label: 侧边栏标签-开启标签颜色
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: false
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# tagcloud_more:
# name: tagcloud_more
# label: 侧边栏标签云-显示”更多”按钮
# type: radio
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# description: '超出展示的标签数量后是否显示 <b><u>更多</u></b> 按钮。'
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 显示
# - value: false
# label: 不显示
# tagcloud_num:
# name: tagcloud_num
# label: 侧边栏标签云-展示标签数量
# type: text
# placeholder: 请输入数量数值
# default: 32
# enable_tagcloud_color:
# name: enable_tagcloud_color
# label: 侧边栏标签云-开启标签颜色
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: false
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# links_more:
# name: links_more
# label: 侧边栏友链-显示”更多”按钮
# type: radio
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# description: '超出展示的友链数量后是否显示 <b><u>更多</u></b> 按钮。'
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 显示
# - value: false
# label: 不显示
# links_num:
# name: links_num
# label: 侧边栏友链-展示友链数量
# type: text
# placeholder: 请输入数量数值
# default: 10
# label: 页面设置
# items:
# links_thumbnail:
# name: links_thumbnail
# label: 友链页面-缩略图
# type: attachment
# placeholder: '请输入/选择图片路径'
# links_default_avatar:
# name: links_default_avatar
# label: '友链页面-默认 Logo'
# type: attachment
# placeholder: '请输入/选择 Logo 路径'
# description: "在加载用户 Logo 时、友链未设置 Logo 时、友链 Logo 加载失败时显示。<img style=\"display: none\" src=\"\" onerror=\"let e=document.createElement('script');e.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');e.setAttribute('src', '/themes/dream/source/js/settings.min.js');document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(e);\" />"
# show_exchange_info:
# name: show_exchange_info
# label: 友链页面-显示友链交换信息
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 显示
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# links_blogger_avatar:
# name: links_blogger_avatar
# label: '友链页面-交换信息自定义 Logo 链接'
# type: attachment
# placeholder: '请输入/选择 Logo 路径'
# description: '用于交换友链的 Logo 链接。'
# links_info:
# name: links_info
# label: 友链页面-补充信息
# type: textarea
# placeholder: '请输入补充信息'
# description: '友链页面最低部的补充说明信息,支持 HTML 格式。'
# link_comment_id:
# name: link_comment_id
# label: 友链页面-评论区ID
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入 ID'
# description: '友链页面没有 ID需要指定一个自定义页面的 ID 用于评论,被指定的文章评论区将作为友链的评论区, <b>放空则不显示评论区。</b> '
# journals_fold_height:
# name: journals_fold_height
# label: 日志页面-动态内容折叠
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入高度数值px'
# description: '动态内容高度超出指定高度后默认进行折叠,指定的高度需大于等于 260px。'
# enable_journals_comment:
# name: enable_journals_comment
# label: 日志页面-开启评论区
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# enable_journals_share:
# name: enable_journals_share
# label: 日志页面-开启日志分享
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# journals_share_image:
# name: journals_share_image
# label: 日志页面-日志分享背景图
# type: attachment
# placeholder: '请输入/选择图片路径'
# enable_tags_tag_color:
# name: enable_tags_tag_color
# label: 标签页面-开启标签颜色
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: false
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# label: 看板娘
# items:
# enable_live2d:
# name: enable_live2d
# label: 启用看板娘
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# live2d_model_url:
# name: live2d_model_url
# label: 模型地址
# type: text
# default: 'https://unpkg.com/live2d-widget-model@1.0.1/'
# placeholder: '请输入 API 地址'
# description: "Live2D 模型 API 地址,可直接克隆 <a href='https://github.com/nineya/live2d-widget-model/' target='_blank'>live2d-widget-model</a> 模型仓库实现自建地址。<img style=\"display: none\" src=\"\" onerror=\"let e=document.createElement('script');e.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');e.setAttribute('src', '/themes/dream/source/js/settings.min.js');document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(e);\" />"
# live2d_tips_url:
# name: live2d_tips_url
# label: 自定义提示语文件地址
# type: attachment
# placeholder: '请输入/选择文件地址'
# description: '提示语 JSON 文件。'
# live2d_about_page:
# name: live2d_about_page
# label: “关于”按钮的 URL 地址
# type: text
# placeholder: '请输入链接地址'
# description: '放空则不显示 <b><u>关于</u></b> 按钮。'
# live2d_model_id:
# name: live2d_model_id
# label: '默认模型 ID'
# type: text
# default: '0'
# placeholder: '请输入模型 ID'
# description: '默认模型 ID参见 <a href="https://github.com/nineya/live2d-widget-model/blob/master/%E5%8F%AF%E7%94%A8model%E5%88%97%E8%A1%A8.md" target="_blank">可用model列表</a>。'
# live2d_model_textures_id:
# name: live2d_model_textures_id
# label: '默认材质 ID'
# type: text
# default: '0'
# placeholder: '请输入材质 ID'
# description: '默认材质 ID参见 <a href="https://github.com/nineya/live2d-widget-model/blob/master/%E5%8F%AF%E7%94%A8model%E5%88%97%E8%A1%A8.md" target="_blank">可用model列表</a>。'
# live2d_waifu_size:
# name: live2d_waifu_size
# label: 看板娘大小
# type: text
# default: '280x260'
# placeholder: '请输入宽度(px)x高度(px)'
# description: '看板娘的宽度x高度单位为px。'
# live2d_edge_side:
# name: live2d_edge_side
# label: 看板娘贴边方向与距离
# type: text
# default: 'right:50'
# placeholder: '请输入位置:距离(px)'
# live2d_model_rand_mode:
# name: live2d_model_rand_mode
# label: 模型切换方式
# type: radio
# default: switch
# options:
# - value: switch
# label: 顺序
# - value: rand
# label: 随机
# live2d_model_textures_rand_mode:
# name: live2d_model_textures_rand_mode
# label: 材质切换方式
# type: radio
# default: rand
# options:
# - value: switch
# label: 顺序
# - value: rand
# label: 随机
# live2d_show_tool_menu:
# name: live2d_show_tool_menu
# label: 显示工具栏
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 显示
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# live2d_can_turn_to_home_page:
# name: live2d_can_turn_to_home_page
# label: 显示「返回首页」按钮
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 显示
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# live2d_can_switch_hitokoto:
# name: live2d_can_switch_hitokoto
# label: 显示「一言」按钮
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 显示
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# live2d_can_switch_model:
# name: live2d_can_switch_model
# label: 显示「切换模型」按钮
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 显示
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# live2d_can_switch_textures:
# name: live2d_can_switch_textures
# label: 显示「切换材质」按钮
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 显示
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# live2d_can_take_screenshot:
# name: live2d_can_take_screenshot
# label: 显示「截图」按钮
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 显示
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# live2d_can_turn_to_about_page:
# name: live2d_can_turn_to_about_page
# label: 显示「关于」按钮
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 显示
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# live2d_can_close_live2d:
# name: live2d_can_close_live2d
# label: 显示「关闭看板娘」按钮
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 显示
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# label: 增强功能
# items:
# cursor_style:
# name: cursor_style
# label: 鼠标风格
# type: select
# default: none
# options:
# - value: none
# label: 关闭
# - value: breeze
# label: 清风(深色)
# cursor_move:
# name: cursor_move
# label: 鼠标移动特效
# type: select
# default: none
# options:
# - value: none
# label: 关闭
# - value: bubbleCursor
# label: 气泡跟随
# - value: emojiCursor
# label: 表情包跟随
# - value: springyEmojiCursor
# label: 弹性表情包跟随
# - value: fairyDustCursor
# label: 仙女棒效果
# - value: snowflakeCursor
# label: 雪花跟随
# - value: followingDotCursor
# label: 圆点跟随
# - value: ghostCursor
# label: 移动残影(疏)
# - value: trailingCursor
# label: 移动残影(密)
# cursor_click:
# name: cursor_click
# label: 鼠标点击特效
# type: select
# default: none
# options:
# - value: none
# label: 关闭
# - value: firework
# label: 烟花特效
# - value: granule
# label: 粒子爆炸
# enable_sw:
# name: enable_sw
# label: "启用 Service Worker 优化"
# type: radio
# data-type: text
# default: "false"
# description: "需要在 Nginx 中添加 <b><u>代理配置</u></b> 方可启用,配置方法见 <a href='https://blog.nineya.com/archives/104.html' target='_blank'>Dream 2.0.5起移除FreeCDN以及SW配置方法</a>。<img style=\"display: none\" src=\"\" onerror=\"let e=document.createElement('script');e.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');e.setAttribute('src', '/themes/dream/source/js/settings.min.js');document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(e);\" />"
# options:
# - value: "false"
# label: 关闭
# - value: "&install=true"
# label: 开启CDN并发请求
# - value: "&install=true&offLine=true"
# label: 开启全站离线
# - value: "uninstall"
# label: 卸载
# enable_compress:
# name: enable_compress
# label: "启用 HTML 压缩"
# type: radio
# data-type: text
# default: format
# options:
# - value: none
# label: 关闭
# - value: format
# label: 压缩空格
# - value: single
# label: 完全格式压缩
# effects_sakura_mode:
# name: effects_sakura_mode
# label: 樱花飘落特效显示模式
# type: radio
# default: day
# options:
# - value: none
# label: 不显示
# - value: day
# label: 明亮模式
# - value: night
# label: 黑暗模式
# - value: all
# label: 全模式
# effects_universe_mode:
# name: effects_universe_mode
# label: 宇宙星空特效显示模式
# type: radio
# default: night
# options:
# - value: none
# label: 不显示
# - value: day
# label: 明亮模式
# - value: night
# label: 黑暗模式
# - value: all
# label: 全模式
# effects_circle_magic_mode:
# name: effects_circle_magic_mode
# label: 上升圆点特效显示模式
# type: radio
# default: night
# options:
# - value: none
# label: 不显示
# - value: day
# label: 明亮模式
# - value: night
# label: 黑暗模式
# - value: all
# label: 全模式
# enable_gray_mode:
# name: enable_gray_mode
# label: 灰色模式
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: false
# description: '向英雄致敬,愿精神长存!'
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# enable_patch:
# name: enable_patch
# label: 补丁模式
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# description: '引入补丁脚本,实现对部分异常不更新主题进行 bug 修复!'
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# enable_busuanzi:
# name: enable_busuanzi
# label: 开启 busuanzi 访客统计
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: true
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# enable_baidu_push:
# name: enable_baidu_push
# label: 启用百度 URL 自动推送
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: false
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# enable_toutiao_push:
# name: enable_toutiao_push
# label: 启用头条搜索自动推送
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: false
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# enable_debug:
# name: enable_debug
# label: 开启 DEBUG 日志
# type: switch
# data-type: bool
# default: false
# description: '开发和问题排查时开启日志。'
# options:
# - value: true
# label: 开启
# - value: false
# label: 关闭
# label: 定制主题
# items:
# external_css:
# name: external_css
# label: "外部 CSS 链接"
# type: text
# placeholder: 请输入 CSS 文件链接
# description: "填入外部 <b><u>CSS</u></b> 链接,无需 <b><u>link</u></b> 标签,将插入 <b><u>head</u></b> 标签尾部。<img style=\"display: none\" src=\"\" onerror=\"let e=document.createElement('script');e.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');e.setAttribute('src', '/themes/dream/source/js/settings.min.js');document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(e);\" />"
# inline_css:
# name: inline_css
# label: "内嵌 CSS"
# type: textarea
# placeholder: 请输入 CSS 样式内容
# description: '填入 <b><u>CSS</u></b> 代码,无需 <b><u>style</u></b> 标签,将插入 <b><u>head</u></b> 标签尾部。'
# external_js_head:
# name: external_js_head
# label: "外部 JS 链接head"
# type: textarea
# placeholder: 请输入 script 标签
# description: '填入外部 <b><u>JS</u></b> 链接,需要 <b><u>script</u></b> 标签,可按情况指定 <b><u>async</u></b> 和 <b><u>defer</u></b> 属性,将插入 <b><u>head</u></b> 标签尾部。'
# inline_js_head:
# name: inline_js_head
# label: "内嵌 JShead"
# type: textarea
# placeholder: 请输入 JS 代码内容
# description: '填入 <b><u>JS</u></b> 代码,无需 <b><u>script</u></b> 标签,将插入 <b><u>head</u></b> 标签尾部。'
# external_js_body:
# name: external_js_body
# label: "外部 JS 链接body"
# type: textarea
# placeholder: 请输入 script 标签
# description: '填入外部 <b><u>JS</u></b> 链接,需要 <b><u>script</u></b> 标签,可按情况指定 <b><u>async</u></b> 和 <b><u>defer</u></b> 属性,将插入 <b><u>body</u></b> 标签尾部。'
# inline_js_body:
# name: inline_js_body
# label: "内嵌JSbody"
# type: textarea
# placeholder: 请输入 JS 代码内容
# description: '填入 <b><u>JS</u></b> 代码,无需 <b><u>script</u></b> 标签,将插入 <b><u>body</u></b> 标签尾部。'